
In the future will there be biodiesel pumps?

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In the future will there be biodiesel pumps?




  1. I say yes but that is just my opinion.

  2. Probably not.  It is difficult to imagine how sufficient bio-diesel can be produced to meet the total world wide demand for diesel fuel.  The most likely scenario is that over time, bio-diesel will be blended into more and more of the diesel pool until all diesel fuel contains at least some material derived from bio-sources.

  3. Diesel fuel is diesel fuel, whatever the source.  Why should there be separate pumps for the same material?

  4. biodiesel is available in a lot of areas. it's usually higher than petrodiesel

  5. yes there will be more and more as the years pass by but, california and a couple of other states already have stations throughout

  6. There already are.

  7. The future is here. See the source for the location nearest you.

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