
In the game, Tales of Symphonia, is there anyone who's defeated Yggdrasiil the first time you meet him?

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The time when Kratos betrays you, has anyone ever actually defeated him? I'm just wondering, I know you can beat Kratos because I've done it, but what about Yggdrasiil?




  1. nope...unless you used some kind of cheating device probably yeah

    or that one invincible glitch  

  2. Well I had a cheat disk so I leveled up SUPER fast. So when I got to that point, I defeated Kratos, but when Yggradsill came, you can't ever defeat can only damange him to a certain point, and then the game cuts to the next scene. So you cannot defeat him in that part, but you can stay alive and damage him enough that he ccan't deafeat you, so it cuts to the next scene like it never happened. Does that make sense?

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