
In the game NCAA 09, how do you make like celebrations in the endzone. ?

by  |  earlier

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every time i get a touchdown my guy just stands there and does nothing. How do you get him to celebrate with the crowd, your own players, the mascot etc...




  1. They do it themselves.

  2. You can't and why would you, you would get a penalty for it anyways, only if u do it to much.

  3. if your close to the mascot, press B if Xbox 360. i don't know about PS3. but if you score just press any button and try to run to the opposing team and rub it in their face, makes me laugh

  4. It won't let you, that'd be pretty cool if it did.

  5. Players don't celebrate in College football. It would be a penalty. Why did you even buy the game if you don't know anything about it?

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