
In the game final fantasy 12, i need help with basilias, i forget how to spell it?

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all the people im using are melee'rs, im using vaan,(lvl 18), basch(lvl 18),Balthier (lvl 17) i put a melee weapon for baltheir because he hits more, and of course Vossler, lvl 16,ive been trying different strategies, but i cant kill it, ive put berserk on vossler, and reflect, and put water gambits on all my people, still nothing, give me some advice please




  1. Are you talking about Belias? I don't know the specifics of your character, so here's how I beat him.

    1.Make sure you have esuna or handkerchiefs so you won't get one hit killed by his fire attacks. (Water is NOT a good spell by the way. It's much faster to just hit him and use the magic for healing/phoenix downs)

    2. You can do this one of three ways.

      a. Pick your 2 strongest charcters, and have them attack. Get your healer/magic person out and take control of that character. Constantly heal or set gambits at around 30-50% health (you should have cura I think).

      b. Make sure you have people with quickenings, and control that character. Right when the battle starts, do a quickening. Then keep running around until your magic restores. Since the fog makes your magic go up faster than normal, you can cure and wait for quickenings at the same time. Use the trick where you get every character to cast the weakest cure to heal 1 person, rather than 1 person wasting all of his/her magic.

      c. Make sure all your characters have quickenings. Right when the battle starts, start chaining quickenings with 2 people. Tag 1 fresh person in at a time to use their quickening, so you get a lot more chances to get a high quickening chain. Remember that just because they don't have magic, doesn't mean they can't participate in the chain. Don't use more than 2 people until everyone is out of magic, then put your 3 best people in to finish him off.

    Don't forget that you can switch people instantly when they die. Even if you have weak characters, level them up for the sole purpose of using their quickening.

    If you don't know where the quickenings are, you can roam around the licence board until you find some (they're usually around the edges). You're gonna want some good weapons/armor.

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