
In the game monopoly, can you buy houses when you have two red and the other person have one red?

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In the game monopoly, can you buy houses when you have two red and the other person have one red?




  1. you can buy houses when you get around the board one time have a nice time.

  2. The game is called MONOPOLY.  You have to own all of the same property to buy houses. (2 or 3)  In the case of Red, That is 3.

  3. Nope.  You must have all three (or two in the case of dark purple and dark blue) to be able to build at all.  But "justme" was right in that you do have to build evenly.

  4. It all depends on what rules you agree to.  The booklet only suggest that you go around once before you can buy houses.  It doesn't me you have to.  The rule of thumb with the houses is that they have to be spread evenly.  You of course must have a monopoly before you can buy houses. So the answer to your question is no.  You must have all of one set to buy houses.  I hope that helps

                                       A little fun on the side


         If you wanna also spice up the game.  Since the free parking space nothing happens.  Put a "$500" bill in the middle of the board game; plus anything from the yellow and orange cards that ask you to pay taxes $15 taxes, house taxes, luxury tax, income tax ext.  When a person lands on free parking he/she gets the money in the middle.  Its just a fun way to play.  It can defenitly help when someone is in debt and lands on that spot.

  5. no you have to have all three of the same color property except dark blue and dark purple. dark blue and dark purple only have two but i gotta tell you get the blue one rite away if u land on one!!!!!!!! just some advice and get the light blue and dark purple too wen u get on it that way u can make houses faster................ if u have luck wen the other players land on those 2 colors they wont buy it!!

  6. have all three or in some cases 2 pieces of property

  7. yes. you just have to have an even amount of houses on each section of property. Like if you have the light blue property and you have 2 houses on 2 places and one on the other the next house you put on the light blue houses has to go to the place with only one house!

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