
In the game of pool, if you sink the 8 ball on the break do you automatically win?

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In the game of pool, if you sink the 8 ball on the break do you automatically win?




  1. If your playing eight ball you win.

  2. that depends on what format of 8 ball your playing, different formats have different rules, theres APA rules, Valley Rules, regular bar room rules. each one is different

  3. yes if you dont scratch

  4. yes in Ireland you do

  5. Yes.

  6. Not where I play. It's always been an instant LOSS. If the house rules are different, they're usually posted somewhere on the premises.

  7. Competition rules delegate you win sinking the eight on the break unless it is accompanied by the cue ball in which then you would lose

  8. yes, if you are playing 8 ball

  9. i think you would lose but im not sure

  10. Doug, Hot Rod, and Lea have all summed it up nicely.  Hot Rod included the statement from the BCA website and Doug explained how things could be different on a coin-op table.  Lea pointed out that the APA is very popular and might be one of the top reasons why so many people play an 8-ball on the break as a win.  Eightbraker also makes a good argument for just being safe and asking beforehand.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  11. If you are playing the game eight ball you do.

  12. The answer is pretty simple actually. It just depends on what rules you happen to be playing under. House rules , league or tournament rules do vary. So always check the rules before you play and you will have no problems. Good luck to ya!

  13. usually if you are playing on a table that does not return the balls (ie, a coin operated one) you do because you can't get it back, but if you are playing on a regular table, you "spot" the 8, which is pull it out and put it on the spot at the end where the rack was, unless you are playing with someone that is going to cry about it because "that's how everyone else plays" then you use whatever "house rules" you guys agree on

  14. In tournament, you neither win or lose.

    Rule number 9 of the official 8-Ball rules states:

    8-BALL POCKETED ON THE BREAK. If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, the breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8-ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand behind the headstring.

    However, If in a public place, where you have to pay per game,  House rules may be different and do overide these rules.

  15. You only lose if you scratch, or if you didn't call the 8 ball.

    According to rules of the house. Why would you lose doing something as making the 8, which is not easy to do?!

  16. Good answer, Hot Rod...I also want to add that in APA league play, it's an automatic win, and since there are over 250,000 APA members, you may come across quite a few people who play that way (even though it's not the official way).  Here in the Snooker & Pool category, though, we're trying to come up with a way to get rid of house rules altogether and get the whole world playing by the world-standardized BCA rules.


  17. OK STRAIGHT tell them 1 more time

    What happend to standard rules????????

    rules have come up in 6 diffrent questions that are posted right now and none have the same answers

    Lets redo baseball rules

    4 strikes your out

    6 balls you walk

    use 4 bases

    hit the picher with a line drive thats 4 points

    but hitting the catcher with a backswing is only 2

    Or golf we could have 4 holes on the green worth diff amounts .

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