
In the highly unlikely event Obama is elected President, what do you estimate his life span would be?

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In the highly unlikely event Obama is elected President, what do you estimate his life span would be?




  1. <<In the highly unlikely event Obama is elected President>>

    LOL! Keep dreaming.

    And watch out what sort of ideas you put in folks' heads.  The Secret Service is looking for people like you.

  2. Do you really think McCain will last long regardless of the outcome? I was a little hesitant on who I'd vote for until the VPs were known. Palin makes it a sure bet there's absolutely NO WAY I'd vote for that idiot to be anywhere near a seat of government. I hope Alaska has learned it's lesson.

  3. facts say its unlikely that mccain will win based on every major national poll buddy.

    his life span will be longer then mccains....mccain looks like a walking corpse now, i bet they have to put so much makeup on him- get ready for president palin!! better start handing out bibles instead of condoms LOL


  4. About 72 years, unless one of his Muslim buddies kills him for converting. Of course that would be contentious on whether or not he really converted. He could of course just be a sleeper. That would explain why they are supporting him.  

  5. Not long, because some hate-filled right wing racist whack-job would do obama harm.

  6. I would hope he lives a long time, only a complete moron would want Biden as president.

  7. So Obama is at the gates of Heaven

    Jesus asks "Who are you?"

    Obama answers "I am Barrack Obama the first black president of the US"

    Jesus says "hold on when did that happen?"

    Obama" about 22 seconds ago"

    terrible but funny.

    PS I in no way endorse killing of humans. Lame or otherwise.

  8. Oi, just like the last Republican I discussed things with, you are also deluded into thinking that McCain is making things better for himself now...

    And I bet he'll live past the age McCain is going to live (which I think will probably be 73, 74 maybe?).

  9. Longer then you if you keep this s**t up!

  10. another 4-8 weeks we will be taken over by his muslim terrorist friends and its all over...a salama link om em

  11. people dont assassinate people anymore...thats so old school

  12. i don't know?  40 years maybe.. maybe a bit less, being president usually stressed you out pretty bad, look at Bush.  

  13. A couple of days before the Klan gets to him.

    (If he was elected President)

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