
In the highly unlikely event he is elected, would Obama make Jeremiah Wright his spiritual advisor yet again?

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In the highly unlikely event he is elected, would Obama make Jeremiah Wright his spiritual advisor yet again?




  1. no, Obama denounced Wright, and then the next day Wright denounced Obama.  

  2. has Wright washed off the bus tire marks yet?

  3. It is highly likely, after hanging out with him for 20 years, that he is still his spiritual advisor! He'll resurface later in Obama's life. He is just laying low til after the elections!

    20 years has had to influence his thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. No. You seem to have a problem dealing with reality. The very few complaints that the right wing brings against Obama are tired and old --rather like McCain.

    This issue has been dealt with. But -- that really is the problem with Republicans;they have no vision for the future, no positive outlook on America. rather they sit wringing their hands over old minor stuff, crying, "Woe is me (or perhaps I)"

  5. What are you? A statistician? Obama has a 50/50 chance as does McCain, neither represent "highly unlikely." However, if you go on the polls, it's actually Obama who has the better chance.  

  6. nope, because people like you gave him the opinon to get rid of him. Unlike a lot of politicians, he does care what the people think of him, and he tries not to anger people....

  7. he would appoint him to a new cabinet position...Czar of race relations and hire the NATION OF iSLAM as his own military force like Hitler had the SA and SS

  8. Something tells me all this denouncing was done with the "wink, wink" attitude.  Wonder what he has in mind for Bill Ayers?

  9. No he will keep Ted Haggard just like Bush did lol!

    Of course it's a bring your own crystal meth/mint condom deal during his sermons....

  10. I think that the influence of Jeremiah Wright in Obama's life is something that will be ingrained in him forever, just like the other anti-American influences from his Indonesian up-bringing to his radical college years, to his associations with the likes of Ayers, and his far-left wacko liberals.  We all are the sum total of every philosophy we embrace and the people we surround ourselves with and they all leave their mark even if we no longer immerse ourselves in them or associate with them.

    What's so bad about Obama is that there has been numerous detrimental influences in his life.  It's the only way to explain how someone who professes 'normal' Christianity (at this point in his life) can also represent everything that is in direct contradiction to its principles.  Wright is still in his head, along with the others, and always will be.

  11. Your jealousy is showing.

    Consider the alternative Republican Ticket: Sarah Palin as Roseanne Barr and John McCain as Admiral James Stockdale

    TALK ABOUT LAUGHABLE!!!! Sorry to destroy the Republicans’ frail sanity with a reality check. Can you say, “Alice In Wonderland”?  GOD must testing you with the Palin pick.

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