
In the history of the Olympics, what were the biggest rip-offs/gyps/bad calls?

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You can name more than one. I can think of a couple. The USA-USSR gold medal basketball where the game ended 50-49 USA and some judges decided there were 3 more seconds on the clock (while team USA was celebrating on the basketball court). A Soviet player shoved an American player and shot a basket and nobody called a foul and the basket was allowed, thus 51-50 USSR. Team USA refused to accept the silver and there was no punishment bc everyone knew we had been rip-off. Another one: 1988 and Roy Jones who pounded his opponent but still "lost."




  1. Nastia Luiken and Shawn Johnson repeatedly getting low scored on near perfect gymnastics performances. while Chinese girls are falling all over themselves and scoring high in the 2008 Olympics

  2. If any team aren't prepared to accept the judges' decision, it is better they don't take part in it.

  3. The worst call was by the US media in Beijing 2008.

    I used to hold them in the highest regards for journalism and objective reporting. Looks like they have now missed out on their usual 'gold medal' by resorting to propaganda and sounding like sour grapes.

    As an example I do not think for a second the US Media have any concern about the careers of Chinese atheletes who are in sports academies or how they are missed by their parents. The fear appears to be more basic. These sports academies have churned out champions and have deprived the US of their usual spot on top of the gold medal count. Oouch..that really hurts.

    Losers usually complain about judging.

    Time for a reality check.

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