
In the interest of equality, shouldn't there be a Marlboro Woman to empower young women to risk lung cancer?

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In the interest of equality, shouldn't there be a Marlboro Woman to empower young women to risk lung cancer?




  1. no. there shouldn't be either a marlboro man or a marlboro woman. nothing good could possibly come out of promoting ANY person to smoke.

  2. Makes sense.

  3. Where might she be permitted to appear?

  4. Good point

  5. You're grasping at straws.

  6. Nice one, nimrod.  Here's a thumb up for you - oops, wrong finger.

  7. Sounds fair.

    The Marlboro man gave me cancer! And all I got was a lousy beer cozy and an oxygen tank.

    d**n you Marlboro man, for foisting your delicious cigs on me!

  8. this isn't a gender issue this is more of a right to die issue

  9. You're a idiot!

  10. And here already I thought I've come a long way baby?  :)

    Edit:  msbalisong *hugs!* Congrats, that's wonderful you got off it!  I wish you all the best :)

  11. i think there should not be either one. smoking is really bad, i know. i smoked for over twenty years, and today is my 13th day of being a non smoker. it is so hard to stop but now i take a patch so the nicotene is still in my system. July 29th i will be nicotene free and intend to stay that way for the remainder of my life. my lungs...they will never be as healthy as someone who never smoked. they should ban advertising of smoking

  12. The Marlboro Man is long gone just like his sidekick the Virginia Slims lady:

    "Virginia Slims is a brand of cigarette manufactured by Philip Morris. The brand was introduced in 1968 and directly marketed to young, professional women, under the FAMOUS SLOGAN, "You've come a long way, baby."

    Do your research before you post, please.

  13. i agree with meekii

    instead there should be a nonsmoking monkey mascot!

  14. Your questions all sound like they are asked by a very immature individual.

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