
In the interest of my art, what do you like in this poem?

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The night is like a cut

A cut of my strings

In the great puppet art

Of my dreams

I stumble around in a daze

A daze in my clumsy haze

My limbs again

My wooden dreams

Of these great puppet arts

These ties make me

My strings exceed me

As the puppeteer

As is me

In a paste of twine

A chreographed line

In dancing I would cut

Such that I as my dreams may dream

Of my great art of act of art

I am a deformed muppet

A snipped string clings to my arm

It is still

Like the night

Cold in the age of space flight




  1. surreal.. i can imagine it performed ... the yearning for freedom pantomimed  identical dancers pitted against their  need to control and their quest for liberty . brilliant  piece of poetry. bravo!

  2. oh man dat was deep like foreal

    it was good. i like the meaning

  3. hi...ur poem is very nice.......if u look nicely it has a deep meaning...well done!!! keep up the good work

  4. The only thing I like is that all the words are correctly spelled.

    But that's the thing about art.  It's so subjective.

  5. The perspective of this poem is fascinating- the fact that you are the puppet as well as the puppeteer.  I love the line "My strings exceed me".  Thank you.

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