
In the italian language do you prnounce the first two letters in th e word CHe as in the spanish country CHile

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or as in the english word orCHid???




  1. Its like Chile...

  2. look it up in an online italion dictionary

  3. C followed by i or e is pronounced as ch in english (child or chile), C followed by any other letter, including h, is pronounced as k (there is no k in the italian language).

    in italy we write Cile for Chile.

    but sc followed by i or e is pronounced as sh in english, if followed by any other letter its pronounced sk.

  4. As in orchid the h makes it a hard sound. It works with g too. For example Alghero.

  5. there are lots of misguided answers here...

    but allow me to help you out: LISTEN TO MAROC, HE IS THE ONLY ONE that is completely right...

  6. in italian a 'c' followed by an 'h' ==ch== makes a 'k' sound

    a 'c' followed by an 'e' or an 'i' ==ce== ==ci== sounds like 'ch'

  7. orCHid is right


  8. mimi and maroc have it spot on, no one else seems to know what they are talking about.

    Buonogiornata!  Ciao!

  9. che = ke (english)

    c'e = che (english)

  10. In Italian, ch is pronounced like k.

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