
In the last 500 years, how many years has the world enjoyed peace, meaning, no wars being fought?

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There's always being conflicts around the world, but we normally call "peace" the absence of war.

In the last 500, I know there has been only a few years of peace for the world. How many years are we talking about ?




  1. actually, i can't think of a time when someone wasn't at war.

  2. The answer is zero.  There has been NO time in the last 500 years where there has not been armed conflict somewhere in the world.

  3. "Peace?"  I sincerely doubt that there has ever been a full case of "Peace."  It's human nature to want what we cannot have.  Call it "greed," call it "power," call it what you will, but inevitably, it always leads to trouble.

  4. i would say about -23

  5. I am afraid Bob is correct in his assumption that there has been no single year ( or month or week or day for that matter ) in the last 500 years of total peace.

    For some regions at different times yes but the entire world no.

    Probably not since the dawn of "civilized man" let alone the last 500 years.

    What about the next 500 years?

    Take a look around you my friend and you'll see that the outlook is not good.

    Never has war been more prolific than in the last 100 years or so.

    Please know that World War I 1914-1918 was known as the War To End All Wars, the Second World War was merely a continuation of the first, same nations same region, same battlefields in many cases.

    Most historians agree that WWI was the single most influential factor that was responsible for the turmoil that dominated the 20th century and beyond.

    It seems that mankind is unable or more than likely unwilling to rid the world of war and the slaughter of our fellow man.

    It is indeed sad but it is reality.

    Sorry for the grim news!

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