
In the light of recent price rises should people come before profits or profits before people?

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  1. It wouldn't have happened like this if Gas was still nationalised.

  2. Sorry, but the way you phrase your question is typical of New Labour speak. Meaningless left wing rhetoric which plays to the gallary and peoples anti-Capitalist prejudices.

    Under our Capitalist system companies have to make profits or the company disappears, together with the employees. Competition and regulators are supposed to protect us from exploitation.

    Companies put prices up when their costs go up, including pay rises.

  3. You said it all,Hog b.

  4. People before profits. If not the companies will make short term profit but in the long term s***w so many people it'll be counter productive anyway.

  5. One of the bad things about free market economics, is that individuals will feather their own nest, to the detriment of everyone else, if given the opportunity......

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