
In the light of these expenses are MP's the new Pharoahs?

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I know that this is the official residence but even so, a little over the top wouldnt you say? Tutenkamun would be very jealous I am sure?




  1. Philistines more like .

  2. We are being ripped off left, right and now centre!

  3. Its a pity that they are not - I think all the Pharoahs are mummies (dead) aren`t they - come to think of it...........

  4. Once again, the Birtish public are ripped off by their own government. And even worse, the government which we put our 'trust' in, are going to court to hide such events, so we don't see that our precious pennies are coating the walls of their second homes! We can all barely handle the expense of our own FIRST home and yet they have our tax money to pay for their SECOND home, and we are now paying for the court case to hide the events.

    Just another reason not to keep the b******s in power come the election!

  5. No difference really as MP`s are having a court case

    so as to hide there expenses from the public eye.

    Another instance of hiding there Shekels under a bush.

  6. Time and again, we see how impotent the political system we call democracy cannot stop abuses of power. As you rightly point out, the system only produces people who often and routinely act with impunity to rule with extravagance and disregard for the citizenry. Yes, they are indeed like pharoahs and sultans! The same applies to all democracies all over the world. Look at the US, France, Poland, Italy, etc. It's no different, often worse, than rule by a potentate - we have numerous potentates, each MP with his/her little fifedom.

    If anything, the democratic process is often used to subvert the course of justice. They can then turn round and say, well you had your say, but we have our way. We, as citizens, are given the info, but are quite impotent to do anything. The fact that we can replace a herd of them at the trough with another herd of greedy hogs is, I suggest, of little comfort and no value to any nation.

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