
In the marines do they make u shoot guns with ur right eye or can u use ur left?

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my right eyes vision is really bad but my left eye is ok




  1. they don't stop you from being righty or lefty they just want you to be accurate.

  2. To repeat what was already said, your right eye vision problems will be corrected with the glasses you will be provided with.  To address the left vs right eye dominance questions, you can qualify with the M16 shooting right handed or left handed.  It is highly unusual, but I saw one fellow Marine qualify by shooting right handed using his left eye.  Very unusual, but I saw it done.  

  3. depends on if you are right handed or left

  4. You can use your left.  Their weapons are right handed design, so the shell casings will technically fly accross from you, but that is no big deal.  I shoot left handed despite being a right handed person, because my left eye is dominant and sees much better than my right.

    To clarify, the Marines want you shooting your best and will provide tips and attempt to get you to shoot your best, and if that means shooting left handed so be it.  

  5. talk to your recruiter, they are the ones with the answers, but if your vision is that impaired, you might not be allowed in.  Since their weapons are not right or left handed per say (one weapon fits all), you would have to talk to someone who is in a position who knows.

  6. Most shoulder fired weapons are designed for right handed (and right dominant eye) operators. There are some civilian versions of the popular AR style weapons ("the patriots' gun"), for left handers, that have the bolt and ejection port on the left side.

    I am not a Marine, but I expect they want you to be able to use your weapons with either hand to the extend possible, esp pistols,  in case of injury or necessity because of the hide/cover you might use in a fire fight.  

  7. They will get you squared away with glasses well before you hit the rifle range. From there, it will depend whether you shoot right or left handed. Don't sweat it. The Marines will train you how to shoot and shoot well.

    EVERY Marine is a Rifleman

  8. First of all, they will check your eyes anyway and give you glasses as needed. That should correct the vision in your right eye.

    Secondly, if you are right handed, it is very difficult to use your left eye when aiming. If you are left handed, you would use your left eye.

    Trust the instructors, they have been around enough to know what they are talking about when they give instructions on shooting.

  9. Unless you have a job that rates a pistol, you will be shooting a rifle.  The m-16 is designed to be shot right handed.  It is very difficult to use your left eye unless you shoot left handed.  there are brass deflectors for lefty shooters but corrective glasses will help you maintain you righty status.

    Shooting a rifle left handed is much easier than shooting pistol left handed if you are right handed.  When you shoot right handed and use your left eye dominance, your shots will land way right.

    What ever happens, the instructors at boot will follow a very regimented protocol.  You must head their instructions or fail.  An ex gunny gave me a few pointers when I started shooting and I got to shoot with the USMC pistol team on occasion.

  10. Depends if you left or right handed.

    Right handed = right eye

    Left handed = left eye

  11. you will be wearing glasses, so you will have corrected 20/20 vision in you right eye. Most people shoot right handed, and whatever eye you are dominant with is what hand you shoot from. I am an exception. I am left handed, left eye dominant, but I shoot right handed (I was a 2nd award expert)

  12. Ok you are talking to a future Marine so i can answer this. It truly depends on which eye is dominant if it is your left then you shoot as a lefty. If it is your right then you shoot as a righty they will not make you shoot with only one hand. They will not make you use an eye that will not work for you. Now i learned to hold a rifle in my right and or left hand. If i were you i would do that it could come in handy sometime in the Marines Now there are product out there that will improve your vision in both eyes i think it is called the Program for better vision if you want to have both eyes working the same. Because in the Marines you being able shoot with either hand will make you a better soldier. But if you can't then don't worry about it you CAN pass boot and become a Marine even if you are a lefty or a righty so DON'T worry about it. So go and join the Marines you CAN PASS as long as you pass rifle qualification. So don't worry so much.

  13. I don't know about the marines, but in SWAT you are trained to shoot with both eyes open so you have 100% of your site and have a better chance of seeing someone before they see you.

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