
In the military.....(mostly air force)....?

by  |  earlier

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how do you get promoted like do you have to do something good

or is it like every 3 months you get a new rank...?

i never really understood how you get promoted




  1. I know you get promoted with time but you also have to do a good job that don't reward you for nothing.

  2. Time and good work ethic. Also getting in trouble will demote you and prevent you from rapid promotion

  3. With the AF the first 4 ranks (E-1 to E-4) come automatically with time if you keep your act straight. If you are really good and set a good work ethic you can qualify for E-3  6 months early by being selected by a board of Sergeants (called Below the Zone selection, or BTZ for short). To get above E-4 you have to take two tests annually. One test is about the job you do in the AF. The other test is about military protocol in general. The scores from the tests along with points from your annual performance reports and awards/decorations are added together. Then the highest scoring people that tested that year are selected for the next rank. I think this is only till E-7. To go higher requires going before a review board of Senior Enlisted personnel and they chose the better candidates.

  4. The first few ranks..up to E3..are based on how long you have served.  After that, you will have to test.  You will test both on knowledge of AF history and regulations as well as a second test based on the knowledge of your particular career field (and that will be every aspect of that field, not the areas that you have worked in). Promotion is based on your scores.  Once you make rank, you will have to wait two years from when you pin it on to test for the next rank.  If you stay in long enough, promotion for the two (Senion Master Sargent and Chief) you test and have to go before a promotion board.  They will reveiw not only your career history, but your education, community involvement and general level of responsibility.  The top two are tough to number of slots, controlled by how many are needed in each career field, but of course you would only hit those if you decided to make a career of the service.

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