
In the morning, should I go for a 1500m run before I do it at 10:20 2morrow or/and buy an energy drink and ...

by  |  earlier

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  1. You could do, depends when you do the first 1500m run and the rest between the 2.

    The energy will be replaced with the energy drink or bannana, but you should also have the energy available in your body - so water might be good enough.

  2. yeah... get bananas x*x

  3. defoooooo dont do it before the race unless you want to be xtra tired

    have an energy tablet or thrree

    good luck and have the banana too

    hope you win

  4. do what?

  5. Definitely do the warm-up run. You will tire far more quickly without it. Also, don't waste a penny on energy drinks. There is no "magic liquid bullet" to running a fast 1500.

    Before I ran my best mile, I went out and ran a pretty hard two mile on the streets. Then I ran at least two miles of warm-up on the infield, even jumping over the steeplechase barriers, followed by a number of strides.

    Bottom line, when the gun went off I was ready to run. The warm-up expands your whole cardiovascular system. The whole system is ready to work more efficiently.

    Often, when I went out on my college days 10-mile runs, it would take me four miles to get warmed up, but then I could really rock-n-roll for the last six, and would often finish the last one mile in under five minutes.

    You need the warm-up, and the warm-up should generally be longer than the race. That's one reason (besides learning the course) that cross country runners walk/jog the entire course before their race.

    Forget bananas. Forget energy drinks. Good nutrition every day and plenty of water is all you need.

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