
In the mornings when i get up should i put my underwear on?

by  |  earlier

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just wanting to know because im trying to figure out which i like better




  1. no

  2. yes I think you should wear it on your head that way your head would be used for more than a hat rack.

  3. When I get up, I wear nothing until I'm ready to get dressed for work.  The only time that doesn't apply is when my mother-in-law is visiting. I forgot one time, was sitting on the couch nude, eating breakfast, and watching the 5 a.m. news when she walked out of the bedroom.  She stood there staring at me for a moment, said nothing and turned around and walked back into the bedroom.  

  4. i rarely use underwear, i love the freedom. it feels so good.specially when you wear a skirt. so do whatever you feel like.

  5. sure... why not

  6. I dont  I get out of bed take my mornin leak cruse to the kitchen get a drink flop on the couch watch a little tv then go take my shower and put on my first clothes of the day. I make sure my blinds are closed so i am not showin the neighbors my junk. Nakedness is a good thing


  7. whatever you want

  8. Okay, pretty, that is pretty disgusting how you don't wear underwear with a SKIRT. Okay, nasty.

    Put it on right when you get up or get dressed.

  9. depends on how u feel. commando is fun so i like to do it alot too

  10. best to have a shower first

    then wear clean underwear

    followed by clean trousers and shirt

  11. If you want to.  I normally don't, but that's just me.

  12. sure. good luck.

  13. I wonder why I don't have to ask other people that question.

  14. depends how long you stay in your room or if there is no one home with you.  if you stay in your room for a bit leave them off if you go down right away and someone is home put them on unless it's your girl Friend.  if there is no one home walk around naked if no one know there is no harm.  if there is no one home both me and my girl friend like to walk around naked.  but do whatever feels better to you

    it also depends on if you stay home during the day and how old you are.  if my gf is wearing a skirt she won't wear them when we leave and are in the car but when we get places whe will slip them on as we're pulling into the parking lot.

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