
In the movie, "Some like it Hot", where in reality was the uplifted dress scene filmed? NYC or Hollywood?

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In the movie, "Some like it Hot", where in reality was the uplifted dress scene filmed? NYC or Hollywood?




  1. Er, it was in "The Seven Year Itch."  That was filmed on location, I believe (NYC).

    I thought so: Trivia fact #2

    Jeffy, taking quotes and not citing the source is called palgiarism.  It's stealing.

  2. The classic shot of Marilyn Monroe's dress blowing up around her legs as she stands over a subway grating was originally shot on Manhattan's Lexington Avenue at 52nd St. on Sept. 15, 1954 at 1 AM. 5000 onlookers whistled and cheered through take after take as Marilyn repeatedly missed her lines. This occurred in presence of an increasingly embarrassed and angry Joe DiMaggio, then Marilyn Monroe's husband. The original footage shot on that night in New York never made it to the screen; the noise of the crowd had made it unusable. Billy Wilder re-staged the scene on the 20th Century Fox lot, on a set replicating Lexington Avenue, and got a more satisfactory result. However, it took another 40 takes for Marilyn to achieve the famous scene.

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