
In the near future I will be traveling to Santiage, Chile; Rio de Janiero, and possible Hong Kong. Any Info?

by Guest67023  |  earlier

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In the near future I will be traveling to Santiage, Chile; Rio de Janiero, and possible Hong Kong. Any Info?




  1. hey I from Chile (Stgo) we have many beautiful places, in the south of chile and north of chile, in stgo there are many bars hotels discoteques etc. we are nice so come here!! u will be welcome

    good luck

    take care

  2. I don't know anything about Chile and Rio, but I can give you advice on HK.

    Hong Kong - When you arrive at the airport, take the express train instead of a taxi to your destination. It's going to be a lot cheaper and gets there just as fast.

    Reserve your hotel from a place like in advance. You'll get a much cheaper rate.

    Don't miss Victoria's Peak - go both day and night. The view is spectacular.

    Check out the ladies street night market. I love shopping there and you can negotiate the price.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with little no-name restaurants. The popular touristy places are very expensive. But you must visit the Jumbo Floating Restaurant. It's reallly cool!

    HK is a very safe place and virtually no violent crimes, but beware of pickpockets. They are very clever.

    Take the Star Ferry. Day or night it's the cheapest thing you can do to get a creat view of the harbor, day or night.

    Have fun and wish I was there now!

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