
In the near future is it POSSIBLE Oceans Currents will stop and turn Seas into Stagnant SOUP?

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Honestly, NOT trying to be hyping on Gloom & Doom...but I just saw this on Nat. Geo. that during Proterozoic Period, warmer temperatures widely attributed to high levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide causing the 'Breistroffer' event, stopping our ocean currants causing anoxia, stagnation of our oceans, turning it into a virtual poison.

Since our temperatures are rising at alarming rates and our sea surface temperatures increase 3–5 °C warmer than it is today(which is what it was when it occurred before), does anyone feel this event will occur again? Are we setting ourselves up? Not if but when?

Your constructive ideas/thoughts are appreciated.




  1. Yes... this can and will occur if we continue down this path...

    Let me explain... As the ice caps melt they dump VERY COLD fresh water into the oceans.  

    The effect of this melting is felt by currents like the Gulf Stream, which is a warm water current that warms Europe.  All the cold fresh water is slowing down the gulf stream (It has been recorded, but I don't have the site or figures).

    If the gulf stream is cooled off by this melt it will stop bring warm waters to Europe, thus beginning a new ice age in Europe.  

    This is just 1 example...

    So to answer your question... the melting ice can and will slow down ocean currents, the question is WHEN and WHAT can we do about it...

  2. Theoretically it is possible. Jut don't panic, even when scientist say, the global warming is on a rapidly spinning wheel, we or even our children will not wake up one day, and suffocate. The events will be more supple, more sever storms, heat waves, monsoon rains in areas which such is not common, droughts like never before. The most thing you should worry about, is wars over water and food. When you are no in your teens, your will most likely experience this. The storms you can already watch. Of course, the gros of the politicians and unfortunately the journalism is in denial. But fortunately, you can do a lot yourself to keep informed, the web is one of the best vehicles for information.

    And, even if we are not causing the global warming, what is wrong with saving energy/money? In my opinion less is more. We are not wasting energy, or food. That should help at least a little bit. And when we finally leaving this planet, I don't have to feel like a pig.

  3. It is very possible...however I would say not a complete halt, but a slowdown. Also expect some places to get climate shifts, some places hotter some places colder. But the conveyor belt slowing down or shifting is a realistic thing to happen.

  4. I expect that most would agree that the greater danger is that the carbon will turn the oceans into (a stronger) carbonic acid, reducing the quantity and diversity of life therein.  

    Currents may *change* because of warming, but the entire ocean is unlikely to stop moving completely.

  5. No, it's only speculation-vs-reality. Make a comparison of what exist now opposed to what can be later. Using the past analytically shows transition up to the present. The future is based on total speculation. That's the distinction.

    The earths cyclic processes will not allow for complete mayhem on a global scale. No definite answers, but more of a mass planting of (What Ifs), come into play.

  6. It is only thier theory what happened.  I saw the same thing and one thing is consistent, they rarely say when something is a theory and when it is a fact.  You might be alarmed at our temperatures rising at a alarming rate, I think they are exaggerated and part of a slight rise that we have undergone since the warming out of the Little Ice Age.  I thought you were trying not to be Gloom and Doom.  You should try harder.

  7. No.  More things than temperature influence ocean currents.  The moon does somewhat, if you've ever seen the tides change you know what I mean.  But although tides aren't ocean currents they are powerfull movements within them.  The rotation of the earth is the main thing that drives currents, combined with water temperatures.  There will always be too much of a difference for currents to stop.

  8. I think someone had a bad pizza while watching that old movie soylent green and had a nightmare. The nightmare was so bad he remembered it and wrote it down as a non-scientific theory to scare others with.

    For the massive uninformed the Democratic Party is the party of all the Mr. Biggs. Big Business, Big Crime, Big Labor and Big Oil and Big welfare, on the other hand republicans are in general middle class in comparison. Why else do you think that the democrats can raise ten dollar for every one that republicans can.

  9. Although the prospect of our oceans over-riding current slowing down or worse sounds extreme, it is a possibility.  If the record melting of our caps continue at these rates this may take the power out of the natural system of our lower and upper currents which has sustained and replenished our oceans oxygen.

  10. I dought it

  11. many things are possible.

    not all are equally likely.

    i expect that in january, when (not if) the oil lobby moves out of the white house, there'll be more progress.

    calif has already announced that cars will be required to increase their mpg averages.

    clearly there is a problem, and the US is the stumbling block of the world.

    this is not a simple issue.

    addressing AGW and at the same time, insuring there is sufficient energy to maintain what's left of our economy is difficult, at best.

    however, developing means of replacing coal and oil is something that is exportable, and should be profitable, around the world.

  12. Is it possible for the Ocean currents to stop? fortunately, no. Two main things efffect the currents... the convection effect caused by cold water at the poles and warmer water at the equator, but more significantly the moon has an enormous influence.

    You'll know that as the earth rotates the moons gravity pulls at the oceans to cause our tides. As it does this it slowly pulls the water around the globe. As this water flows around the land masses get in the way and cause flow paths to divide at the land obstacles and merge on the other side of them.

    Just as you see watching water flow in a river you will find places where the water swirls in a pool, and the centre of the pool is very still. The same happens in some places in the oceans.

    As for de-oxygenation, as CO2 levels rise more food comes available for algae. These algae absorb sunlight, consume CO2 and give off oxygen. The more CO2, the more algae. Watch out for more reports of algal blooms in the news.

    EDIT. Thanks davem for the correction re the earths rotation relative to the moon causing the tides, not the moons orbit around the earth... otherwise we'd have tides every 14 days. Doh!.

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