
In the next decade, up to 175 million children will be affected every year by climate change.Solution ?

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-The Percentage of the world's population exposed to malaria, one of the bigest killes of children under the age of five, is expected to increase from 45% to 60% in the next 100 years due to climate change.

- By 2010, there will be 50 million 'environmnetally dispalced people', most of whom will be women and children

- What should state parties have to do proactively to mitigag the problems?




  1. Find a cure for Malaria..sorry about a simple answer ..i didn't want to rain on your thunder ..but you know what, they have tablets or a jab to cure malaria ..

  2. is it just me or does anyone else out there think that the effects of climate change and natural disasters serve to wittle down the population of the world to those who can survive! survival of the fittest and all that. you never see major natural disasters happening in rural scotland or even england, they only occur in places that need some kind of 'cleansing', be it culling of the population or payback for unlawful entry into another country, for example. nobody? just me then.

  3. Says who.  Oh, by the way, we could have eliminated malaria as a major killer if the ELFs (Environmental Lunatic Fringe) had not tricked us into banning DDT.


  5. Have less children.

  6. Stop driving. Have fewer children. Conserve resources. Recycle waste. Eat less. & HOPE that by 2050 Global Warming will have begun to reverse itself. -Til THEN, the future generations are at risk...  :(

  7. There are too many people in the world. Linking of welfare to sterilisation will eliminate the unproductive members of society who, in the West have a propensity to reproduce at a greater than average rate. In addition to helping the planet, this will improve the quality of life for working people as congestion is reduced and property prices are no longer inflated by welfare funded demand.

  8. The solution is Alternative Energy.




    maybe even Nuclear...pretty dangerous though.

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