
In the northern central states do winds usually blow from east to west?

by Guest62134  |  earlier

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For example, in Iowa and Minnesota, which way do the winds generally blow.




  1. That question can only be answered by looking at the climatic tables for those places; something I don't have in my possesion.

    But to explain a bit more generally the wind direction, at those latitudes, you are mostly on the south side of the polar front. When a low passes, it is usually from west to east. Being south of its center you will usually see the wind coming from the south, then veering to the west and probably end in a northly direction when the cold front following the low has passed. You will then get the typical polar unstable air mass.

    That should give you prevailing south-westerly winds.

    In the winter, the lows will pass more south because the high pressure over the pole will extend southward as the polar regions go into hibernation with months without any sunlight.

    When that happens, the prevailing wind direction might be more northly.

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