
In the painting, Wheel of Fortune by Edward Burne-Jones who do you think the characters represent?

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This is the painting

It's goddess Fortuna on the left, and (in order) a slave, a king and a poet.

Why do you think they're in that order?

What is the artist trying to say?




  1. The concept behind the wheel of fortune means that your fate is in the hands of Fortuna as she spins the wheel... one day you're a King, the next you're a Slave... one day you're deeply in love (the Poet being Love), the next day you are forsaken... etc. The characters in the painting are all aspects of our selves - you see they are positioned on the wheel with the slave on top - but the next time Fortuna spins the wheel, everything changes again. They appear hopeless - because they are not in control of their own fate.

    Read the lyrics to Carmina Burana - you'd recognize the tune I'm sure - it's all about Fortuna.

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