
In the political struggle between HAVEs and HAVE-NOTs, which are YOU more concerned with: MONEY or FREEDOM?

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In other words, are you more interested in leaders who are focused on addressing global disparity in MONEY, or the global disparity on FREEDOM, i.e. the repressed, i.e. aiding the struggles democracies to give people power in the policy-making apparatus of their gov'ts.




  1. You can't have money without freedom.  Look around the globe: the most prosperous nations are the most free.  Even though China, for example, is still pretty much a dictatorship, the government has loosened the reins, and the result has been astounding economic growth.  To the extent that you have more freedom, you get more prosperity.

    So to get back to your question, the answer is freedom.  Without it, the money will dry up.

  2. Freedom. Money in less than free nations can be misused by the leadership.

  3. Freedom from World domination is foremost, everything else falls is we loose that battle.

  4. You can have both.  

  5. Money can buy freedom.

  6. i think freedom as we in america understand it is far more important than money in any government frame work.  unless people have "power in the policy-making apparatus of their governments" they will not feel empowered in their personal financial development and will not have the creativity that so feeds the production of wealth.  you only have to look at the development of america to see the answer to your question.  it has always been a nation of poor immigrants who nonetheless reveled in the personal freedoms this land gave them to choose their own destinies.  it's true this nation was also blessed with great national resources, but i doubt if we would have ever achieved the power and prosperity the nation still enjoys if people did not feel they had the freedom to chose and a belief that they could shape government policy so as to influence the use of that wealth, either by themselves, or, in taxes, by government.  i think it unfortunate that we, as a people, no longer understand that wealth is created for us all when opportunity and freedom exists for all to share in it.  

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