
In the process of getting induced...Questions!?

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Ok so I am in the process of induced (wi-fi at the So, they gave me that cervix ripening gel on Monday when I was a fingertip dialated and 70% effaced....Tuesday they checked me with no change....So he said he would do the gel today when I was getting induced based on where I was at. So I got checked this morning and I was only a finger tip still and they tried to break my water but it wasn't working so I got more of the gel and I have to wait 6 hours then they will try and break my bag again and start pitocin. I am a little nervous because the nurse said if this all doesn't work I may be sent home....Do you think it will work? I am just nervous.... Thanks!




  1. honey, relaxing is KEY. i know that sounds stupid as heck right now,  but it's true. If you relax and lil princess is ready, it will happen. Being tense and nervous will slow the process. if they DO send you home, request something to help you sleep. you're all keyed up and you won't really rest until she makes her appearance. Good luck to you.. you are in my thoughts and prayers

  2. Maybe if they started you on pitocin without breaking your water it would work.  I hope for you that it does work!  You've been so miserable the past couple of weeks.

  3. Chances are that breaking your water and starting pitocin will move things along. Basically they are trying to get your body to do something that it is protectively guarding against- starting labor early. Sometimes it takes a bit of coercion to get things going. Rest when you can. I know this is very nerve wracking and exciting, but you have a lot of work ahead of you! Good luck!!!

  4. i got the gel thing and nothing moved on . 5 hours later they broke my waters. i walked the corridoors for 3 hours. i walked and walked because the midwife said it would help and move things along and it worked. coz there was no way i was going home without my baby. so all i can say is keep walking. good luck and enjoy every second

  5. Well, from what I know about the gel...sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  When I was induced, they didn't use the gel.  I was dialated to a 3 when I went in, and 40 plus weeks pregnant.  I wasn't effaced at all.  They had no problems breaking my bag, but it took 12 hours for my cervix to start to kidding I was at a 3 all day.  I went from a 3 to a 5 at 14 hours into it, and was 25-30% effaced.  An hour later I hit a 6, and things sped up quickley from there.  I dialated four centimeters in an hour, and had my son 30 minutes after that.  Sometimes it just takes time for your body to get into delivery gear.  My friend was delivering 2 days after me.  The gel didn't work for her either, and they were thinking of sending her home.  She went into labor naturally at 2:00am and had her baby at 6:00 am.  Her body was just ready.  The gel may help dialate you more today, or it may not and you might have to go home.  I was so sick of being pregnany, as I'm sure you are, and going home probably is not what you want...but try to relax and just take things as they come.  Be sure to understand what your doctor and nurses are telling you, and ask plenty of questions.  If it does work today....good luck in labor.  As hard as it was for me, it was one of the neatest experiences I've ever had.  Congrats.

  6. Um they should not send you home if they break your water! You have up to 48 hours to have baby after water is brook because of risk of infection.

    I am so surprised that the doctor has not intervened and decided to section. I would be very cautious about allowing them to break your water if they are going to send you home. As long as your water stays intact I could see them sending you home but still most doctors I know would have sectioned you by now after 4 days in the hospital and no baby! Good luck and I hope all works out well.

  7. doesn't' sound like your baby wants to come out at all right now.  lol

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