
In the profile part of my yahoo!360 page, i can't find the "place" part. Anybody can help me ?

by Guest33185  |  earlier

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In the profile part of my yahoo!360 page, i can't find the "place" part. Anybody can help me ?




  1. Go to your main page (the cover/front) click on my page at upper right of screen then go to middle of screen and down some, look for edit profile information.  It's right under 'about me' section.  Places i've lived.  You have to change the settings, i.e. (public) for others to see it. Then click save.

  2. Up at the top of all your 360 pages is a toolbar .. choose MY PAGE.. this is your editing page .. no one sees what you see on this page.. on the top of each of the modules there are edit options.. click onto edit my profile to find the section for the places you have lived.. worked.. gone to school etc.

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