
In the "out of africa" hypothesis of human evolution, what are the 3species it suggests emerged in Africa?

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In the "out of africa" hypothesis of human evolution, what are the 3species it suggests emerged in Africa?




  1. Well the out of Africa hypothesis just states that modern humans evolved from a small single population in Africa. The most popular phylogeny is that H. heidelbergensis evolved in Africa, slowly evolved to H. sapiens while colonizing Eurasia. H. neanderthalis likely evolved in Europe or Northern Asia since it is adapted to the cold.

    Depending on how you choose your taxonomy you can split H. heidelbergensis and H. sapiens into a few species that evolved in Africa such as H. idaltu and others.


    I don't think any reasonable anthropologist pulls for partial replacement or interbreeding, but it still is a hypothesis since it is a specific idea about the size of the ancestral population and environmental effects.

  2. The above answer gave you the proper species split, so, I will give you the truth.

    Only among social scientists is " the out of Africa theory " considered hypothesis. Biologist and geneticists came to the conclusion that  the evidence is robust enough for a theory. The two lines of genetic evidence, both X and Y chromosome and the recent archaeological and physiological evidence has convinced biologists of the theory.

    Only delusional anthropologist hang on to the " partial " and " complete " replacement hypothesis.

  3. You will get several different opinions on that, especially if you are trying to figure out which lineages are ancestral to modern humans.  You got an early migration almost 2 million years ago.  Many consider the Dmanisi, Georgia specimens as separate species.  Most used to consider the early Asian erectus to be a separate population separated from modern humans until an African erectus was found that shared characteristics of ergaster and erectus.  Then then assumed them to be the same.  Since erectus and habilis were discovered to cohabitate Africa ~1.6 million years ago, it seems likely that erectus may be older and actually have more diversity and that suggests that ergaster could be divergent from Asian erectus.  Maybe 700,000 years ago heidelbergensis may have migrated out of Africa but the origins are not certain.  There is recent evidence of modern humans living in India almost 70,000 years ago so it is likely they left Africa well before the 35,000 years ago when much of the symbolic artifacts started appearing in Europe.

    I would call it more like an out of Africa religion considering how it is defended as if it is gospel when the evidence is quite flimsy.  It is obvious that much of the hominid line came from Africa and the evidence is pretty good that modern humans likely came from a population in Africa.  The error that some scientists make is the assumption that CURRENT populations accurately reflects the distribution of hominids hundreds of thousands of years ago.  They act like humans have been migrating out of Africa in a single direction and they use genetic evidence of current populations as if humans don't ever migrate or displace other groups.  You just have to put the blinders on and completely ignore modern history to do that.

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