
In the recent reporting of the anthrax story has the media been reminding us ...

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that politicians that anthrax letters were mailed to were opposing the Patriot Act?

or is that being left out of the story. I watched some of the hype "the crazy kook acted alone" theory but didnt see any mention of the Patriot Act connection. Did U?




  1. I read that the first death was a reporter who worked for the Sun, a gossip rag in FL, who was about to run a picture of Bush's daughter in a night club, very drunk, and dancing with another gal.

    The two senators who received anthrax letters spoke out against the Patriot Act.  Several well known network news anchors also received anthrax.  The letter inside the envelopes said for these people to take antibiotics.  With that in mind, would a scientist who really didn't want to kill anybody be so stupid as to send this stuff in the US mail which ended up killing several people who worked for the post office and one lady whose mail was contaminated?  There are many unanswered questions.  

    Some people that work at the NJ post office have a pending lawsuit against the government concerning the deaths of their people.  One of their biggest questions is why it took 5 days for the government to shut down the post office.  I realize things are not always as they appear and that false information is sometimes reported but somebody should really clear this up.  

  2. I think it was them reminding us that we have illegal biological laboratories in the US.  Ooops, did I say that?  "He was a lone, mad scientist.  Working in the US and wanted to test the vaccine."  Riiiight or the corrupt politicians that wanted the Patriot act to pass wanted the Dems who opposed the Patriot act to be afraid of terrorism.  What a ******* sloppy joke *** way to do this c**p.  What are these idiots thinking?  They are dealing with children or something?

  3. I didnt see that (the media showing a link to the timing and targets of the Anthrax Attacks and the Patriot Act) and I dont hear alot of other things either.

    I dont hear how it was impossible to make that kind of Anthrax without a whole lot of experience and education and a very complex lab.  I dont hear them mentioning (much) that the Anthrax (which is living) could be traced back to a lab in Maryland.

    This stuff was cooked up IN AMERICA and sent to other AMERICANS, including Tom Brokaw and Senators Daschle and Leahy.  

    John McCain was on Letterman saying how there was intel that the Anthrax was linked to Iraq.

    There were only 7 people with the knowledge or ability to make that strain in that lab.....and the crime was never punished!  Finally a guy kills himself, and the media and government say "That was the guy".

    It is nonsense, but now you all get to go back to bed and feel like justice was served and that the real person responsible was the guy who died.

    We are being lied really is THAT obvious.

  4. Some of the news outlets are saying that the scientist was co-owner of a company that supposedly has a cure/vaccine for anthrax & by mailing out the letters, he was just trying to get the fear mongers in congress to push legislation/government money toward his company.

    So far, you are the only person I've heard say anything about the Patriot Act.

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