
In the sci fi series Blake 7, what phrase did crew members say to the ship once they had landed on a planet?

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What phrase did crew members say to the ship once they had landed on a planet after using the transporter?




  1. Thank fook thought the fake scenery was going to colapse again lol

    Did they have a transporter ? thought it was only star trek

  2. They used to say 'Down and safe' - and then usually get shot at 2 seconds later...

    wow my memories better than I thought!

  3. 'Standard by ....' was a reference to speed I think! *1

    I cannot remember any phrases used frequently after teleport on the show. :(

    If you want other info on the teleport follow link *2. (under 'T' of course :) )

  4. standard by ten orac..

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