
In the sequence of 6 Star Wars movies, the animated one currently out, should be seen when??

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In the sequence of 6 Star Wars movies, the animated one currently out, should be seen when??




  1. Tye is right about the first three answers you've gotten ... the first two with the "never" in them are just idiots trying to make themselves fell better by picking on something that others like.  The third answer is just wrong.

    The new animated movie and the series it will spawn this fall on TCN (The Cartoon Network) is set in between ep II & ep III.  There is another thing to keep in mind while trying to find where it fits in the "official" time line ... the Clone Wars micro-series that aired on TCN in 2003 & 2004.  In that series there were 25 five minute chapters in it.  The new movie and series are set in between chapter 21 & chapter 25 of the micro-series.

    May The Force Be With You ...

  2. never

  3. never....

  4. You should watch the animated one in between Episode 1(the fourth film) and Episode 2(the fifth film). Its the gap between those two movies.

  5. OK.  So far your responses are "never" (from Future Mrs. Bale and Chris M) and "between episodes I and II" (from Gareth N).  Both of these are wrong.  That Clone Wars takes place between Episode II and Episode III.  Episode II: Attack of the Clones shows how the Clones Wars begin, and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith shows how the Clone Wars ends.  This movie and the Cartoon Network series that starts this fall tell of the many battles of the Clone Wars as well as how the war has an affect on Anakin.

    I hope this answers your question.

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