
In the song Fight the Power by Public Enemy Chuck D called Elvis a racist...What justification did they have?

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Here is the lyrical excerpt:

Elvis was a hero to most

But he never meant sh** to me you see

Straight up racist that sucker was

Simple and plain

Mother f*** him and John Wayne

why did he call him a racist?




  1. Militant hatred of Whites.The above answer is hogwash.

  2. Jonathon's answer was NOT "hogwash" and is accurate.  The 2nd answer truly isn't worth addressing.

  3. There was an article in the New York Times about this recently*, basically defending Elvis from the claim that he was racist.  But the article missed the point.  Chuck wasn't saying Elvis was a racist, so much as what Elvis represented: rock n roll as a phenomenon that began as an appropriation of black music/culture.  If blacks made it, it would not sell; it took a white guy to sell it and popularize it.  That's what Chuck means by "racist", and that why he says Motherf' him.

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