
In the star wars universe what are the guns called that shoot out lasers/photons? Laser guns? Ray guns?

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What are the guns called that shoot out lasers and stuff




  1. Blasters, I think.

  2. Blaster comes to mind.

  3. Blaster. I have no idea how I remember that...

  4. It is called "who cares"

  5. The personal weapons are usually called blasters.  Go here for some in-depth details.

  6. In general it's called a blaster. Although there are a lot of different kinds. And they fire compressed energy.

    Yes... I'm aware of how nerdy that is...

  7. I am guessin it is ray gun not sure

    dont blame

  8. If you say lasers/photons, you are thinking Star Trek, where some weapons are Phasers and Photon Torpedoes.

    Star wars use "Blasters".

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