
In the state of Arizona, Can you collect chil support if you didn't know the child was yours????????

by Guest45364  |  earlier

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My son just found out he has a little girl 9yrs old, he had no clue that this child was ever born until 3mos. ago. He had a DNA test and the child is his now the girl wants back child support plus medical care . I feel that is not right. what type of women woulf do this not know who the father of the child is until now.




  1. he can pay back child support even if he did not find out until 3 months ago. i have a cousin that jsut found out the beginning of the month who her 9 year old son's father is and as of May 1 he is paying 385 a month and that does include back child support.... it can and will happen....

  2. He needs to get a lawyer and go to court and get visitation and child support set up. She can't just demand these things without going to court. The court will determine how much he will pay and if he has to pay back support. Since he was not aware that he had a child and she had no court order for support he is not in violation of a court order so she might be out of luck for back support.

  3. Yes she can and if she has been geting any kind of state help they will go after him and make them pay them back for what they have given her for the baby. Pluse he will have to start paying her to. He should get a lawyer to help him figure out his best opptions for going about everything before they just pull him in and want him to sign things saying what he will pay.

  4. what type of son would sleep around and not even know enough biology to know that he got a girl pregnant! sorry if I sound harsh,but 50% of this is your son's responsibility. This girl did make a big mistake for not saying anything until now. Either way you know that you can't trust this girl and you should do a paternity test before going any further.

    He really should get a good lawyer,because courts usually favor the mom.especially single moms.

  5. No she has to make sure he is the father before he gives her child support. and they need to go to court to see this child.

  6. After a positive test, I am pretty sure she can go and get back pay...

  7. yea

  8. I agree that the child support system is WAY screwed up.  I had a friend whose baby's mother waited 10 years to even tell him he had a son & wanted 10 years of back support.  He got out of all the back support with very intelligent arguments, plus he's in OH, so the laws are different than AZ.  This next quote is straight from AZ child support laws.  As screwed up as it is, it's the law they are allowed to use.  I hope that helps.  And I've included a link at the bottom to give you more info. on how AZ child support works.  The link is for a brief overview of the AZ cs laws.

    Past support may be awarded up to 3 years prior to the filing date of a court proceeding to establish paternity and/or a child support order. The past support amount is awarded based on the discretion of the court.

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