
In the state of Indiana, can a landlord legally walk into your apartment without consent?

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In a non-emergency situation




  1. In a non-emergency situation, landlords need to give reasonable notice (generally 24 hours unless your state's tenant's rights say differently).  It doesn't matter what's in the lease...the landlord cannot make adjustments to the rules and regulations of the state.

  2. No, they can not stroll in and out as they please.  And they should give you notice if they need to get into the property but you can't refuse them the right to see their property.

  3. NO... They can come in but they've gotta knock first.

  4. No he cannot.  Check Indiana's landlord/tenant laws, which you can find in the reference section of your local library.  

    In all states that I know of, a landlord is required to give "reasonable notice" of a desire to enter in a non-emergency situation, even if you have requested a repair.  That is usually defined as "at least 24 hours."

  5. no, only for emergencies or with notice.

  6. It depends on your lease. If it's stated in the lease that they can enter, then they can. Some things can have them enter otherwise, as well (repairs, checking things, etc) because it is their property and they have the right to maintain it.

  7. With notice, yes, regardless of consent. Generally, tenants do not have the right to unreasonably withhold consent.

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