
In the state of LA can the custodial parent take child out of state w/o the other parent's knowledge? ?

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My husband's ex girlfriend takes their daughter on whims and move to other states for months at a time. They do not have official custody agreement. What are his rights?




  1. Well by law, only the one who has full custody. What makes you think she don't  They can if its agreed with the other parent. If it bothers you so. Then report them. let the law take care of it. Or stay out of it.  It is not your concern.


    In some states, if the parents were not married, there is no custody order, the parent with custody (unmarried mother) has legal rights to make those choices.

    Hubby needs to get a lawyer and file for having court ordered visitation. If LA is where the child has normally lived for at least last 6 months, then LA law will apply.

    The worst mess in the country (in my opinion) is that all the states have different laws regarding automatic/ not automatic rights, and if/ when there is contempt or parental abduction.  

  3. Yes. The custodial parent may do that in ALL states. If he does not like it, too bad. The only thing he can do is get custody of the child.

  4. NO they can not.

    If the other parents presses charges they will be arrest, lose the child, and be sent back to the original state

  5. In ALL states,, the custodial parent can not remove the child or children to another state with out the permission and knowledge of the other parent.. To do so would create a contempt charge which the non custodial parent could get enforced by revisiting the court which awarded  custodial custody to the parent..Leaving the state is denying the non custodial parent their right to see their child..In some cases,,its enough to have custodial custody revoked and a fine and jail sentence for the behavior..To revisit the courts with that issue,,no lawyer is necessary for the non custodial parent,,since the custodial award was issued in the same court. system..Only a refiling of the issue is necessary,,with a legal affidavit  !!            SOLOMON

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