
In the state of Oklahoma do you need parents permisson to get an abortion?

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and how would you get a court approval?




  1. i dont know if you need your parents permission to get an abortion, but dont listen to these people that are telling you NOT to get an abortion. you have to do what you have to do. if you feel like an abortion is the right path, take that path.

  2. You certainly don't have my permission!!

    You have a baby in you.  Do you know how an abortion is performed??

    Get an adoption instead

  3. Yes you do.  Unless it's a case of abuse or a medical emergency you need to either have parental consent or obtain a bypass from the courts.


        * Requires parental notification and parents have to consent.

        * Allows minor to bypass parent by obtaining a court approval.

        * Allows abortion in medical emergency without parental consent.

        * Allows abortion in cases of abuse, assault, incest and neglect without parental consent.

    Edit:  You would have to call your county's or cities clerk of court to ask how you go about petitioning the court for a bypass of parental approval.  So no matter what they are going to find out, so if that is what you are going for it's not going to work. If you don't think they will give permission, then call the county clerk's office.

  4. It depends on your age, In most places if you are over the age of 16 you don't need parental concent no matter what your reasons are for wanting an abortion.

    What the h**l is with people saying 'do not get an abortion' IS it your body? NO so if she wants an abortion she can have one. Yeah yeah theres adoption but do u know how much stress that puts on a young girls body let alone her emotions? Its hard enough to go through a pregnancy at a young age let alone give birth and then give the baby away. Sometimes as hard as it may seem for you 'anti abortionists' but sometimes an abortion is whats best for the baby and the mother.

    I in know way promote teen pregnancy or abortion BUT you need to look at the bigger picture as to why abortion was legalised in the first place before you go throwing your oppinions and veiws around and secondly...don't even attempt pushing your veiws onto someone else because technically you cannot be *against* abortion until you have had one youself and felt the hurt and emotions that come with it!

  5. Before going ahead, why don't you read here on Yahoo Answers about all the girls who get abortions and the become depressed for years.

    There are soooo many people who would like to adopt. They normally have to turn to China because everyone has abortions here.

    Don't make up for a mistake with another mistake.  

  6. Yes you would need parental consent.  But before you go doing that you should really reconsider.  You will regret that for the rest of your life and it's just not the right thing to do.  If you don't want the baby put it up for adoption.  There are many couples that would love to have a baby and can't.  Instead of just getting rid of it, bless people with it.  Good luck with your decision.

  7. if need be they can just drive to a different state and have it done..

  8. Yes, in Oklahoma you do need a parent's permission.  

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