
In the state of Rhode Island who can we contact when we know several people are abusing the government?

by Guest32464  |  earlier

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There are several people that I know that are getting free daycare, health care, food stamps and housing. Myself being a taxpayer and working so hard for all the things they get for free is making me very angry. They don't even work or even try to attempt to better themselves. There living together and lying if that is the case I am better off divorcing my husband then say I am single with two small children see what I can get out of the system. It is not fair barely making payments and just surviving while these scavengers getting everything for free. There children get to go to camp for free while my poor kids sit at there grandmothers bored to death because my husban d and I cant afford for them to go!! It's very frustrating and my voice needs to be heard. Any advice?????




  1. call my Uncle Craig the librarian in RI

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