
In the state of WA, what are the laws about kicking someone out of your apartment? ?

by  |  earlier

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I have asked my friend to leave permanently. He is currently out of town, i have removed him from my lease ( He was only on the lease as an occupant, and i have been paying all of the bills, etc since we moved in. )

Many of his possessions are still here, i paid to move all of his things up here, but he wants to come get them. I'm okay with this as long as there will be an officer standing by.

Here are my questions :

* Do i need to pack his things, dis-assemble his furniture, and have it ready to go?

* Will there be some time limit on how long he's allowed to be here with this officer?

* Are there some kind of rules about if he's allowed to come back and when?

* How do i prevent him from claiming everything in the house is his, if i don't have receipts for everything ? (it's not, he just has a room set, and some clothes and dishes... )

* IF he leaves stuff here, how long do i have to wait before i can throw it away or give it away? Does him leaving an object here mean he can always come back? I'm confused about the time-frame on everything.

* How long do i have to wait for him to come get his stuff in case he fails to show or can't move it, since he doesn't have a car?




  1. I would have a respectable relative or friend around to back me up on personal property claims

    You don't have to do anything. With an officer there, he better keep his mouth shut, quietly get his stuff, and get the h**l out.

    Change your phone number and locks.

    As for the time limits, look up abandoment laws for your state.

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