
In the state of ohio, if your wife leaves you and your 2 year old child and gets pregnant with another man's

by  |  earlier

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are you responsible for the child or her? i got answers to my previous question, but am asking for ohio law only. thank all of you!!!!!!!




  1. Ask for a paternity test.  You are only responsible for your biological children.

  2. you are only responsible for your biological children.  But, if you are still married, you will have "presumed paternity" (the government assumes that if she is your wife it must be your baby) until you prove otherwise with a DNA test.

  3. You are only responsible for your own children.  You are married to her, so you will have to establish paternity and prove she is an old 4. Then you can file for custody of your own child.

  4. “I discovered my wife in bed with another man, and I was crushed. So I said, 'Get off me, you two!'”

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