
In the story of mary and joseph, what happened to joseph?

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I mean, if i was joseph, i would be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some god plants his seed into his woman, to have his baby!

Joseph hadnt even had chance to take her virginity, and after the baby was born, she wouldve no longer been a virgin! (Baby wouldve popped her cherry)

What does the bible say about joseph?




  1. Try looking up "virgin" in the dictionary.  You have changed its definition to serve your baseless rant.

    Second, the Bible is the story of the Savior, from Genesis through Revelation, and only the details necessary for telling that story are ever given, including the lack of details about Joseph.

    Third, most of us are not obsessed with s*x the way you and your perverted generation are.

  2. Jesus born from virgin St Mary and after he came out he not popped her virginity  as the Church believe. as he raised from dead and went out from the tomb  before the angel move the big stone.

    Mt 1:24-25

    24 When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife. 25 But he did not have sexual relations with her until her son was born. And Joseph named him Jesus.

  3. Its not about Joseph, Its about the virgin birth of Jesus Christ....

    And he is right, you need to look up the definition for virgin....

    And scripture does not say Mary died a virgin. In fact Jesus had "younger" brothers and sisters.

  4. For Joseph was the most gullible of all of THE LORD's creations.  

    Luke 13:37

  5. He jumped in a VW camper van and toured the mid-west with his friends.  

  6. You have to remember that even if there story is true and that is very doubtful it has been translated more than once and errors creep in. For instance the word for virgin can also be used to mean a young woman. the word for carpenter could refer to a builder so he might have been a stone mason or brick layer. An inn in those days was one room which contained the animals as well as the people but the people slept on a platform above the animals and the word for that platform was the same as the word for the whole building. A roman census was about raising taxes so why would you take a man from his place of work where the money was earned to where he was born for the census it makes no sense at all.

  7. Didn't he appear on stage in the West End.

  8. Apocryphy has it said that Joseph worked as a tradesman during the early years of his (adopted?) son's life, occasionally with his help. Some Catholic folklore suggests that he died at home with his family prior to the start of Jesus' ministry.

    Canonically, however, the question of Joseph's life is shrouded in mystery and conflicting accounts. It's generally understood that he settled in Nazareth as a refugee of sorts to protect his family from danger posed by Herod the Great. As one of noble blood, it's not too hard to envisage that he could well have been of some political influence in Bethlehem, but that's just speculation (although it would explain the regular journeying to Jerusalem).

  9. He got in with a bad crowd, started fashioning cudgels for the mob in return for crack, pimped out Mary Magdelen, went into rehab for a couple of months, but then the whole crucifixion of his son thing sent him over the edge and he went off to be a hermit in a cave, started growing a beard and began plotting against the imperialists, muttering about having his revenge one day, even if it took a couple of thousand years...

  10. Joseph still took Mary as wife.

  11. Mary became pregnant when she was at her cousin(mother of Jon the baptist) when she had returned to Joseph whit her evenest pregnancy he was very mad.He thought that she had betrayed him that she was unfaithful.And she tried to explain that that was gods child that she hasn't done nothing to betray him. At that time if anyone had found out that the child wasn't Josephs she would be stoned to death.That night an angel came to Joseph and told him that Mary was telling the truth and he should be with her and help her whit the baby.And he did. He died at old age I think before Jesus started to preach. And it is an honour to be chosen to rise the baby of the creator of everything .I would to wouldn't you?

  12. Joseph was a just man and Mary 's most chaste spouse. When Mary had Jesus, she remained a virgin and died a virgin. Didn't you know God can do anything. And if that's the way He wanted it that's the way it was. Believe or don't it's your choice. God bless you.

    Edit Joseph when He died Jesus was present and cried like any son would for His earthly father. The reason why Joseph was taken before Jesus mission, Is Joseph wouldn't have let anyone put a hand on Jesus and Jesus' mission had to be forefilled. This is in the Locutions of Mary Of Agreda's Book.

  13. just a chilled out hard working trademan with a couple of kids, typical jewish family man

  14. Not much is said about him, other than he was a carpenter and raised Jesus to do the same, which was the typical way. By the time of the crucifixion, he is not even mentioned anymore, and may have died already. He is not talked of after the story about Jesus staying in the temple at the age of twelve.

  15. After the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary had a number of children together, boys and girls. Matthew 13:55,56.

    Joseph died sometime before Jesus reached the age of thirty.

  16. I'm OK, it weren't too bad!

  17. Joseph died in his sleep, before the Crucifixion.

  18. There are some details to be found about the life of Saint Joseph in apocryphal works like the so-called "Gospel of James", the "Pseudo-Matthew", the "Gospel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary", the "Story of Joseph the Carpenter", and the "Life of the Virgin and Death of Joseph".

    However, the non-admittance of these works into Sacred Canon of Scripture casts a strong suspicion upon their contents.

    What we DO know is that Bethlehem appears to have been the birth-place of Joseph. By the time Jesus was born he had settled at Nazareth. The Greek New Testament tells us Joseph was a "tekton" which means both mechanic in general and carpenter in particular and tradition has interpreted it to mean the latter.

    His betrothal and marriage to Mary was, in the intention of BOTH spouses, to be a virgin marriage. (See St. Augustine, "De cons. Evang.", II, i in P.L. XXXIV, 1071-72; "Cont. Julian.", V, xii, 45 in P.L.. XLIV, 810; St. Thomas, III:28; III:29:2).

    But Joseph's faith was tested when she was found to be with child and being a good man, but greatly distressed, he resolved to "put her away quietly" and end the betrothal.

    This is when the Angel came and explained the mystery of the Incarnation to him. From this point on, Joseph fulfilled his role as father to the child Jesus, pure spouse of Mary and protector of the Holy Family.

    Devotion to Saint Joseph has grown throughout the history of the Church and by virtue of his vocation as father and provider he is honored all around the world as the Patron of Workers and Patron of Fathers.

    Tradition tells us he was much older than Mary and so died just before Jesus began His earthly ministry. This would explain why Mary is alone at the Cross and is given into the care of Saint John the Beloved Disciple by Jesus Himself.

    Peace be to you all+

  19. GOD KNOWS.

  20. I always thought that god should have spared Mary the pain of childbirth, seeing how he chose her to have his baby, and she was a virgin and all that. She must have been in agony!

  21. God didn't need to have sexual intercourse with Mary to plant his seed in her body....He's God, The Most High....duh !.....Besides that Joseph was a very Godly man an angel had already came to him and told him what was going to happen.....

  22. Mary didn't lose her virginity as you are looking at it from a human perspective. In fact she didn't feel the birth pangs nor she had labor pains. She hadn't gone through all that which God had said a woman would go through in Genesis in childbirth. She was sinless and therefore she was an exception. Joseph died in his old age, that is what we all know. Mary and Joseph didn't have any children after Jesus' miraculous birth.She remained a Virgin all along.

  23. Yeah Believer, that explains Jesus' siblings which include his younger brother James and an unnamed sister, or are you going down the road of them being Joseph's children by his first marriage ?

    Guess you missed that part of the bible?

    The virgin birth never took place, it isn't part of the prophesies.

    Luke and Matthews genealogy contradict each other strongly and show themselves to be forged on Luke's account, which also exposes Mary as not being of the Royal bloodline and again another unfulfilled prophesy.

    Oh and Mary being of the Tribe of Judah doesn't cut it either.

    Now, while any Jew could be called "son of Abraham", relatively few Jews could be called "son of David", and fewer still belonged to the royal line. And because the reign of the kings of Israel had ended for the time being, the Jews were waiting for the next "son of David" who would rule: the expected Messiah. For the Jews, the Messianic title "son of David" would probably conjure up memories of David as a warrior, subduing his enemies. Perhaps, this is one reason that the Jews expected a militaristic Messiah, one who would rid them through war of their Roman rulers. They forgot, however, that David was forbidden by God to build the temple of the Lord--not because of his sins of adultery and murder--but precisely because of his militarism. The Lord told David: "You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name.


    12After the exile to Babylon:

    Jeconiah was the father of Shealtiel,

    Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,

    13Zerubbabel the father of Abiud,

    Abiud the father of Eliakim,

    Eliakim the father of Azor,

    14Azor the father of Zadok,

    Zadok the father of Akim,

    Akim the father of Eliud,

    15Eliud the father of Eleazar,

    Eleazar the father of Matthan,

    Matthan the father of Jacob,

    16and Jacob the father of Joseph,

    the husband of Mary,

    of whom was born Jesus,

    who is Christ

    Clearly showing that to fulfill the prophesy, Joseph would have to be the father.

    The mother passes the ethnicity but it is the BIOLOGICAL father who passes tribal affiliation (even adoption doesn't cut it).

    Jewish bloodline and law.

  24. Joseph had more than one wife (common for their day). Jesus had half-brothers, but no full brothers as he was the only child born by Mary. God arranged for this marriage because Mary needed to be legitimately married to fulfill prophecy. She also needed Joseph's help as they had to flee to Egypt to prevent Herod from killing Jesus. Besides, every kid should have a father figure around.  

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