
In the summer evening sky I see jupitor.When is a good time to see the planet Vega, where and when do I look?

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I live in Toronto Canada




  1. Vega is kind of hard to see anytime because there is no such planet..

  2. Vega is a star, not a planet.

    At this time of year, it is high overhead in the early evening.

    According to my computer planetarium (Starry Night), set for Toronto, Vega crosses your meridian around 11 pm.

    That is the time that it is exactly due south from where you are.  It will be very high in the sky, almost overhead (but not quite).

    Jupiter also crosses your meridian around that same time (actually, a bit later, but that's OK for this simple exercise).

    When you see Jupiter, imagine a line from Jupiter to the Zenith.  On that line, three quarters of the way to the zenith, there will be a bright bluish star.  That is Vega.

    This trick only works this summer.  Jupiter, being a planet, does appear to move compared to the stars.  Therefore, after a while (at the end of Summer) the trick will no longer work.

  3. Vega is not a planet -- it's a first magnitude star in the constellation Lyra.  Right after sunset, Vega is high in the east, about 2/3 of the way to the zenith.

  4. For much of the northern hemisphere, that star is either circumpolar or nearly so. Where I live, at this time of the year, I see it for the first half of the night and again in the northeast just before sunrise. It's hard to miss because it is so bright. Here's an interesting factoid. Did you know that by 14,000 AD it will be our north star? Not only that but by that time, the Southern Cross will be visible all over the US and nearly all of Canada, too.

  5. never...

    if u mean the "star" "vega" then... IDK  

  6. First of all, it's Jupiter. Secondly, Vega is a star, not a planet.

  7. ok - Logic here with a KISS (keep it simple silly !!) idea....

    Vega is a bright blue star and is very easy to see. During the summer monthes it is high in the evening and is part of a LARGE triangle of stars. This happens to be called a LARGE TRIANGLE OF STARS. Just Kidding !!!!!! To the east you should see a cross like formation of stars, or Cygnus the Swan or Northern Cross. Follow the long part south to the next real bright star, this is the constellation Eagle. Now up and to the west to a bright blue star. This is called a BRIGHT BLUE STAR, ok so you didnt fall for it a second time. This is Vega. Now that you have traced out the Summer Triangle, you will always be able to find Vega. If you have binocs or a scope, look thru Cygnus for the North American Nebula

  8. Vega is a star, not a planet.

    Right now Vega is the brightest star you will see if you look straight up just as it gets dark.  

  9. Nobody is questioning why you think Vega is a planet, are they?

    I assume you are aware of the difference – a star is a “sun”, a planet a satellite of a star.  Stars radiate masses of energy, planets are only visible because they reflect the starlight, in our case sunlight.  Generally stars are 1000 to several million times larger than planets.  


    Raymond – you may be a top contributor, but do you really think, based in his question, that this guy knows what the Meridian is, or what the Zenith is?  You should write your answer based on the level of the question.  The idea is not to show how clever you are.

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