
In the uk, how long does a prime minister stay prime minister? and when do they get a new one?

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In the uk, how long does a prime minister stay prime minister? and when do they get a new one?




  1. They have a five year term, but can call an election anytime in their term, so most call an election in their four year if they feel they will win, but it dont matter who gets in they all follow the same agenda, the EU path to a One World Government, same as America.

  2. a prime minister stays prime minister for 5 from trinidad and every general election which is held in every 5 years, either a new one gets voted in or the old one remains....

  3. 12 years is the most ( 3 terms ) 3x4=12

    and it can not happen soon enough

  4. The maximum term for a British government is five years, not four.  The last general election was held on May 5 2005, so the next election has to be held by May 5 2010.

    It is not  a fixed term unlike, say, in the USA. The date is decided by the Prime Minister and can be any time within this five-year period.

    For example, a PM will call an election if his party is a minority goverment in the the hope of becoming a majority one.  This happened in 1974, when two elections were held that year.

    The date is decided by the PM - a considerable advantage not available to leaders where fixed terms are in force.

  5. Prime Minister is sovereign in England and can call an election whenever he wants but it must be within 4 years... he can stay in office for as long as he wants unlike in america where its only two terms... although most PM dont last too long in England as the press turn the public against them..

  6. Every four years we get to vote, but this guy we have now, Gordon Brown, has postponed his vote for a year!  We didn't even vote him in... so I guess the answer is officially four years at least, but unnofficially - however long they want to until they are booted out by their own party members!

  7. Theoretically a Prime Minister in the UK can remain Prime Minister forever: either through the Sovereign extending the term; or a bill extending the term (as happened in WWII).

    However due to democracy the Prime Ministers has 4 years maximum in government after which the Sovereign will dissolve parliament and call an election. The Prime Minister will retain their title.

    Almost always a Prime Minister asks the Sovereign to call elections before the four-year limit.

    Usually the party with an absolute majority forms Government and the Leader of that party is appointed as Prime Minister, by the Sovereign, and becomes such immediately.

    There have been rare cases where the Sovereign has invited someone else from either House of Parliament to become Prime Minister: or the Leader of a Minority Party.

  8. A general election is mandatory every 5 years minimum although the party in power can call one whenever they feel like it. There's no limit to how long one person can stay as prime minister as long as they keep getting voted in and their party doesn't oust them as leader.

  9. Elections  must take place every five years  often called shortly into the Fourth year  The parties decide who leads them,no set term. they are abit like football managers  loosing a seat is bit like loosing a match loose too many and they want a new manager in government  called Prime Minister

  10. general elections are normally held every 4 years

  11. its now 5 years unless we shoot them first

  12. Up to five years and with the present one Gordon Brown tomorrow cannot come quick enough if we could get rid of him tomorrow

  13. Normally they stay prime minister for too d**n long. The last people that should ever be allowed to run a country are politicians

  14. A prime minister can remain in office as long as his party is elected and his party chooses him.

    A general election must be held every five years but serving PMs often choose to go to the polls earlier.

    Gordon Brown must call a general election within two years because he's already more than half way through the term one by trhe Labour party at the last election.

    It's always the party that wins the election not the PM.

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