For my piece of homework I was given a series of printed-off internet posts concerning individuals thoughts on the September 11th attacks. To sum them up, half said that it was a "horrendous atrocity" and that it is unforgivable, while the other half say that it was bound to happen due to US foreign policy, no one to blame except themselves, etc. So first what I have to do is in the view of an anthropologist, sociologist, and psychologist say what would influence these people's thought on the attacks. One reason i was thinking could be media opinion and thinking along the same lines as the government , but would that be from an anthro or socio point of view? For psych i don't know. Then after that i have to chose one of the fields of psych, anthro, socio, and "suggest methods of research to conduct a study to find the reasons for the differences of opinion in the excerpts about the terrorist attacks."
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, thank you