
In the wake of Hurricane Gustav, how well do you feel our leaders handled this crisis?

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A. They over reacted

B. They learned their lesson with Katrina

C. Better safe than sorry

D. Your own pick

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  1. D

    It is a world of difference when you have a Governor that takes charge and makes thing happen vs. the last Gov who sat on her hands.  

    Oh, the new guy is a Republican vs. a Democrat. interesting

  2. For the time being, I believe they learned a lesson from Katrina but from past experience with these types of things, it may be short lived due to the old "cry wolf" syndrome. That's exactly the main reason Katrina was such a catastrophe, New Orleans had 2 recent false alarm evacuations and became complacent. People have short memories sometime.

  3. D. They got lucky. The levees barely held for a category 1-2 storm. New Orleans didn't get hit and there was still plenty of damage. They haven't fixed the issue with the levees (It's time to get some foreign help on this topic other countries have dealt with flooding.) They didn't overreact because for a while Gustav was a category 4 storm And they wouldn't have been safe if Gustav had remained a category 4 storm. They have not learned their lesson from Katrina and we might not know unless a category 4-5 storm makes a direct hit on the gulf's weakes regions (when and not if) There will be another Katrina.

  4. E.  Made it into a political play and political issue.  If it wasn't election year, McCain wouldn't have cared less and neither would Bush.  They'd be eating another birthday cake for John McCain on the tarmac like they did during Katrina.  No matter how much they APPEAR to care, nothing will convince me they really care after their lack of response after Katrina.  

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