
In the war between Blu-Ray and HDDVD will there be a winner like VHS and Betamax?

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Has Blu-Ray/HD DVD won the battle yet or is it still going on?

Who will win?

How long will it last?




  1. LMAO, wow... where have you been for the past year? The war was over last January. Blu Ray won, end of story.

  2. Blu-Ray has won the battle.  If you are thinking of buying an HD-DVD because you can get one real cheap, don't.  You won't be able to buy any new movies.

    They both have very good video and audio quality.  They just use different formats.  The HD-DVD format was closest to the original DVD format.  Blu-Ray uses a newer form of compression than HD-DVD, so it's been considered to be more advanced.  Blu-Ray discs also hold more data.

    Who knows how long Blu-Ray will last?  Technology changes so fast it's hard to tell.  A lot of people believe that ultimately we will download movies off the internet, which will eventually make Blu-Ray obsolete.  

    If I were to guess, I would say it should be around for 10 years.  If they don't drop the price of the discs and if movie downloads end up being cheaper, Blu-Ray could be gone in 5 years.

  3. We just purchased a HDTV and a blu-ray player (Playstation 3) and the difference is noticeable.  I definitely prefer the blu-ray but they are more expensive.  

  4. erm.....  where have you bein?    Blue-Ray as already won.... specially with the consoles.

    Microsoft as pulled the plug on the HD Drive so blue-ray as won in that department and also the film companys have stopped making HD films

  5. Blu-Ray has already won, and it's because it has a cool name.  It is also marginally better than HD DVD, but it's nothing that would really make a difference.

  6. blu-ray has already won... Nobody even burns HDDVDs anymore. Blu-ray has superior video quality and uncompressed audio that make it amazing.

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