
In the woman gymnastics in the olympics,why do China's athletes look like there 12 years old?

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China's gymnastic competitors look like their 10-12 and the United states look 15-18. WTF?




  1. A lot of Asian girls look younger than their age after they hit puberty, myself included. I'm turning 20 in a month, but I can still pass for 13-15 years of age! I'm entering junior year in college this year, and a few months ago at Fry's store clerk asked which middle school I go to, lol. It also doesn't help that many Asian girls often aren't "gifted" with the curves that their American counterparts have in their teenage/young adult years, which usually helps distinguish age.

  2. I'm pretty sure it's because they are. However, their passports (in China, conveniently) say that they're sixteen (the official competition age), and the government isn't going to contest that.

  3. Asians typically look younger than their American/etc. counterparts, just so you know. I'm speaking also from personal experience. I've been mistaken for 12 (he was quite adamant about it, in fact) - I was 21.

    Add that to the prepubescent gymnast bodies, and they'll most like look even younger.

    That being said, I have no idea whether or not they're 12 or 16.  

  4. asian girls naturally look younger anyways....

    but EITHER way..

    these "12" year olds just beat your asses and took your "18" years olds gold medal...  

  5. Don't worry your not the only one but it will probably come out after the olympics.

  6. Dude! My best friend Asian and she doesn't look like a 12 year old lol. Those girls are underage.

  7. Ummm, all you people out there that are saying these girls just look young for their age and you've had the same misunderstanding happen to you...were you still losing baby teeth at age 16? One of those girls was missing a molar. Oh sure you'll say she had an accident and knocked it out...or maybe poor dental hygiene. Whatever allows you to sleep at night.  

  8. In my opinion it's because they probably are only 12 years old if that.  One of those girls looks about 10 to me.

  9. google it.. its been well documented that the girls are underage, but their passports are given by China. China has been caught cheating with age limits in the past.

    Keep in mind that China also takes these girls from their homes at age 3 or 4 without parent's consent, and they are basically kidnapped and forced into training. Why wouldn't the government lie about their age if their willing to steal them from their parents?

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