
In the workplace, if an African-American calls another a "******" would that qualify as racial discrimination?

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I was not involved but I do know the accuser socially and "******" seems to be almost the only word in his vocabulary...LoL..I'd like your opinion on this matter




  1. It's more harassment and verbal abuse than racial discrimination.

    It's also pretty stupid that he'd call the person that.

  2. its  their word  assuming  its the  n word you  refer  to. they  can  do  waht  they  like  with it  as  laonf  as  the  f  waord  doesnt  come  out  then  you  can  say  take  that  potty mouth  outside.  you  can  report obscenities  to  hr

  3. As would many people I strongly disagree with the word.  In this matter I pull the infamous real estate slogan of "Location, Location, Location".  If two guys wanna call each other that in the privacy of their own hangout, then by all means go for it.  

    However, this is in a workplace and by no means deserves to be there.   It can be seen as racial discrimination if a bystander or co-worker hears it and is offended(no matter what race or ethnicity they are).  It makes me a little sad that men and women were attacked by dogs and fire hoses and children were blown up in churches to rid this country of that word.

  4. It is a very bad word with very bad connotations and always will be a bad word no matter how it is used or under what circumstances, no one should use it and it is just wrong.

  5. Any disparaging term used to denigrate someone's race is considered harassment.

  6. It's not so much discrimination as it is making a hostile workplace - and that is only if someone is offended (not just the person being called the name, but anyone else who hears it)

  7. I get offended if ANYONE no matter their race, gender, or creed calls me that disgusting word. I dont care if I'm black and you're black I have a name and if you're too stupid to use it then you're leaving yourself open to being cussed out by me.

    Call me stuck up, but I am MANY things before I am a ******.

    It's a racial slur and the low life who used it against another needs to be fired.

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