
In the worst situation, what do you think is the purpose of your life would be?

by  |  earlier

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Like if you feel your alone, no on really cares for you and they are being hypocritical(parents/other relatives). and you get the point

you know that in the situation is that your surrounded by hypocrites and there is no one to really turn to (saying your deepest and darkest secret) consequently your being apathetic to them and that is alright but the fact remains that you don't see much a point in your life.

Take this as a hypothetical question - what would you do

and please NO religious answers.




  1. You know, I've always been wondering 'What is the end of all these...?'

    I really don't understand the answer to the WHY I've asked to a lots of people....

    There is one thing for sure - You are the one who have to see the world as it is and live like there is nothing which can harm your existance....

  2. Get a philosophy that enables you to realize more than they do.

  3. i dont see a point in life even in the best situations.

    so, as for a 'worst situation'...

  4. Hypothetically in this situation you would be looking into yourself with no real grasp of what is going on in the real world. Sure there are hypocrites out there including you. But there are also real honest and sincere people who would be more than happy to help you in any situation. You seem to think if you turn to them they will let you down. Some might but just avoid them and turn to those who will build you up and not tear you down. Everyone has a purpose but you certainly won't find it alone. Get out there and take a chance like the rest of us or you will end up a lonely bitter old man someday. Good luck in your journey to finding a life that works for you.

  5. To draw the line when no one else would.  Churchilian.

  6. Whether in the best or in the worst situation, we always live for others. As a member of the family or as a member of the society, we always have certain responsibilities. But it is not responsibility alone that drives us to live,  it is the resiprocation of love that we feel and express for others that gives all the impetus. The most important thing in life is to be loved and respected and to find somebody to love and care for. Life looses all its purpose if there is no one to care for or to be cared by. However. such a situation is very rare in the life of an individual. We often tend to perceive small issues as alike to absolute isolation or aloneness. What I get from your question is a deep yearning for companionship, perhaps at this instant of time you are a little hurt, frustrated and perplexed. Such temporary spells of isolation often bewilders many of us. I hope you are a strong person, full of belief, and you will soon find someone of your choice to communicate and find a meaning for your life. Good luck.

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